Technical Support to Accelerate Promotion of COVID19 Appropriate Behaviors (CAB) in state of Karnataka

Project Supported by Department of Rural Development of Panchayat Raj , GoK & Funded by UNICEF

About IIHMRB DashBoard

About the Project

Pandemic has compelled people to start with new behaviours which became New Normal of life. COVID appropriate behaviour, vaccination etc has become reality of new normal. Major gears for people to adopt these behaviours were enforcement by government, motivation, and realizations with time.

Social Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) plays a vital role in accelerating such behaviour change adoption by community. IIHMR Bangalore in partnership with UNICEF under this project is complementing the efforts of Government in enforcing such behaviours in state of Karnataka through SBCC.

Social Behavioural Change Communication aims at changing social conditions and individual behaviours. SBCC recognizes the relationship between people and their environment to identify “tipping points” to change individual behaviours and social norms.

Social Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) plays a vital role in accelerating such behaviour change adoption by community. IIHMR Bangalore in partnership with UNICEF under this project is complementing the efforts of Government in enforcing such behaviours in state of Karnataka through SBCC.

Project Highlights

  • 21 District Coordinators and 4 Reginal coordinators working at 31 districts of Karnataka.


  • Line departments involved in the project are Rural Development Panchayat Raj, Health and Family Welfare, Women and Child Department: ICDS, ICPS, Social Welfare Department (ITDP), Urban Development Department and NGOs, CBOs, FBOs.


  • Coordinators are placed at the ZP office and report to the CEO.

District SBCC Coordinators who will coordinate and collaborate the CAB and Vaccine efforts of the various departments at the district level.

  • Output 1: COVID-19 Specific Emergency Response - The communities and families in the districts of Karnataka have knowledge and skills to protect themselves from the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19


  • Output 2: COVID-19 Sensitive Emergency Response – The communities adopt gender responsive practices for WASH, prevention of anaemia, addressing Routine Immunisation inequities and community-based management of SAM children.

Key Activities

  • Supporting District Task Force in presenting communication plan, status of implementation, challenges and support required
  • Coordination and follow-up with the line departments and other actors for their participation in communication interventions
  • Coordination for and conduction of training of various stakeholders.
  • Identification of high priority areas within the district and planning of intensified communication and campaigns.
  • Coordination with block/Mandal level authorities from the priority areas for intensified communication and campaigns,
  • Planning of outdoor media and mid media interventions and support the district administration in their execution


Project Strategies

SBCC uses a systematic planning process that is evidence-based and grounded in social and behavioral theory. Time tested strategies are used in the project which is below:

Building Social Capital
1. Identification of relevant stakeholders especially women and young people through SHGs, NYKs, NSS
2. Coordination for participation in communication activities and further support to them by the depts.
3. Timely reporting of district RCCE efforts
Capacity Building
1. Building capacities of various stakeholders – within govt depts and partners – NGOs, CBOs, FBOs,
2. Translation and adaptation of communication materials, guidelines, and training tools
3. Building capacity of Frontline workers for reopening of Anganwadi’s
Targeted SBCC Campaign
1. Identification of high priority areas for intensified campaigns
2. Coordination with taluk level authorities
3. Planning of outdoor media and mid media interventions.
4. Campaigning about ‘COVID- 19 Safe Anganwadi’s’
Evidence Generation and Knowledge Management
1. Supportive supervision of various monitoring tools being used in the field for COVID-19, Nutrition programming and RI by dept and partners
2. Tracking of local media reports
3. Documentation of case studies, human interest stories
SBCC System Strengthening
1. Building capacities and providing handholding support to district and sub district level officials for Development of district specific communication plan
2. Implementation of district specific communication plan
3. Technical assistance in addressing communication gaps
4. Coordination and follow up

Case study

Case studies are developed by each district coordinator identifying highlighted observations from the field.

Technical Team

Dr Usha Manjunath
Program Director/SBCC Technical Support
Dr Sarala Raju
HR/Team Building
Dr Chethana H S
Health Consultant

State Team

Dr. Deepashree M R
State Coordinator
Evaluation Officer (M&E)
Regional coordinators
District SBCC Coordinators (25 )


Check out these great pictures!

SBCC Newsletter

SBCC Newsletter consists of highlighting major activities undertaken during the month such as SBCC targeted campaigns and community awareness activities on CAB, Covid vaccination, WASH, etc. in the districts of Karnataka. The newsletter covers major challenges observed and highlights good vaccination coverage in the districts during field visits of SBCC coordinators.

SBCC Newsletter