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IIHMR Bangalore

Completed Research Projects - 2012

NABH Consultation for Premier Hospital, Hyderabad
Project Title

NABH Consultation for Premier Hospital, Hyderabad


Premier Hospital

Project Team

Dr. Sreenath Reddy, Dr. Dhirendra Kumar
Rishi Priyanka and Dr. Divya Desai

About the Project

To assist in meeting the NABH requirements for Premier Hospital, Hyderabad. The project was split into five phases. Phase 1 entailed an initial Gap Analysis. Phase 2 entailed the Awareness Program, the System Design, and the Core Team, followed by Phase 3, which entailed the Documentation and Implementation of NABH. Phase 4 entailed Implementation Maturity Measurement, and lastly, Phase 5 entailed the Accreditation Assistance from the pre-assessment stage to the final assessment stage.

Evaluation of Special Newborn Care Units in Karnataka
Project Title

Evaluation of Special Newborn Care Units in Karnataka



Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Fehmida Visnegarwala
Dr. Sreenath Reddy, Dr. Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. Veena R
and Dr. Srinath V

About the Project

The Government of India has launched FBNC units to achieve the MDG 4 target and address neonatal deaths. As the SNCUs play, a vital role in preventing newborn deaths and hence decreasing the IMR considerably, monitoring and evaluating their performance is imperative. IIHMR Society, UNICEF, India Country Office, and the Govt. of Karnataka jointly developed the proposed project. NRHM has been able to look into the challenges mentioned above. The evaluation team comprised neonatologists, paediatricians and public health personnel. IHMR-B and UNICEF jointly developed the schedules. The team evaluated all 32 functioning SNCUs in Karnataka. Six SNCUs were assessed comprehensively for the infection control components of the units.

World Vision India Models of Learning Project-Final Evaluation
Project Title

World Vision India Models of Learning Project-Final Evaluation


World Vision India, Chennai

Project Team

Dr. Varun Sharma, Dr. Fehmida Visnegarwala
Dr. Sreenath Reddy, Dr. Veena R, and Dr. Srinath V

About the Project

To strengthen Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC), India had implemented a pilot model for community-led care, primarily through the support of Community Care Coalitions (CCC) under the Model of Learning Project Area Development Programme (ADP). The project was initiated in the West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, India, in 2007. A baseline survey was conducted in 2009 to bring out issues related to OVC and PLHIV in the study area. The CCC model sensitised the community regarding the issues associated with OVC and PLHIV by disseminating information about HIV in the community. The programme was implemented successfully with the help of different stakeholders in the CCC. As a third-party evaluator, IIHMR-B assessed the effectiveness of the CCC model in the intervention site to reduce the stigma and discrimination against PLHIV and OVC to enhance the quality of life in the intervention community. The study is an impact assessment of the CCC model in the two West Godavari mandals. The study was based on the primary data collected through a field survey with an interview schedule to capture the quantitative information. A qualitative assessment to support the quantitative information was collected with the help of Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews with the key informants.

Manpower Planning for JSS Hospital
Project Title

Manpower Planning for JSS Hospital


JSS Hospital, Mysore

Project Team

Dr. K.S. S. Rao, Dr. G.V. Nagaraj, Dr. Sreenath Reddy,
Dr Fehmida Visnegarwala, Dr. Bhavana Naik
and Dr. Veena

About the Project

Manpower is one of the essential resources utilised in an organisation to achieve its objectives. In most hospitals, manpower consumes about 60% of their budget. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that the manpower is utilised optimally. IIHMR Bangalore assessed existing manpower and its efficiency in the currently functioning 1150 bedded JSS Hospital in Mysore through a series of interactions and work assessments. The IIHMR team comprising healthcare experts estimated the manpower requirements for their upcoming 1680 bedded hospital. It improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the staff to better the performance and the reputation of the hospital.

ISO Certification of PHCs Managed by Karuna Trust
Project Title

ISO Certification of PHCs Managed by Karuna Trust


Karuna Trust

Project Team

Dr. Fehmida Visnegarwala, Dr. Sreenath Reddy
Dr. Srinath V, and Ms.Jincy

About the Project

The ISO Certification of the PHCs was split into two phases. Phase 1 entailed the preliminary gap analysis of the 13 PHCs in different Karnataka districts. An agreement for Phase 1 was entered in on the 6th of July and has been completed by the IIHMR-B team. Phase 2 was planned to be carried out upon the completion of the gap analysis to understand the requirements of the PHCS for the ISO Certification and its feasibility. Phase 2 entailed the ISO Certification Assistance.

The five steps under Phase 1

1. Checklist Preparation
2. Visit to the PHC
3. Preliminary Gap Analysis
4. Preliminary Gap Analysis Report Preparation
5. Preliminary Gap analysis Report Presentation