

IIHMR Bangalore

Completed Research Projects - 2022

Improving the Health Care Access and Quality in the Context of Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) among Scheduled Tribes: An Implementation Research in Tumkur, Karnataka

Endline Assessment:

Improving the Health Care Access and Quality in the Context of Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) among Scheduled Tribes: An Implementation Research in Tumkur, Karnataka


February 2020 to May 2023


Tumkur District, Karnataka

Funding Agency

ICMR, New Delhi

Project Team

Dr. R. Sarala (PI),
Dr. Usha Manjunath (Co-PI),
Mr. Rajendra. D (Scientist B).

As a part of the Task Force project, the study developed implementation strategies towards achieving Universal Health Coverage by identifying and addressing the implementation barriers and access to healthcare services of assured quality without suffering financial hardship to the people through the existing healthcare systems among the scheduled tribe population.

The broad objective of the study was to assess people’s healthcare access in the vulnerability context of poverty and livelihood insecurity, to understand the factors (individual-/community-/system-level) affecting the access to healthcare services, and to identify key points to develop an intervention to improve healthcare access to the poor tribal population.

The study setting was Tumkur district (Madhugiri -Control Taluk and Pavagada- Intervention Taluk) Karnataka State. The study was for a period of 36 months from Feb 2020. Study Design: Quasi-experimental and implementation research was conducted in three phases

(i) Formative Research (Pre-implementation phase),
(ii) Intervention Development and Implementation,
(iii) Evaluation and Dissemination for Scaling-Up of Strategies.

Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in Urban Slums of Bangalore
Endline Assessment:

Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in Urban Slums of Bangalore


July 2022 to March 2023.


Anandapuram and Maya Bazar Slums, Bangalore, Karnataka

Funding Agency

HCL Foundation

Project Team

Dr. R Sarala (Project Lead),
Mr. Satish Kabbur (RO).

This project aimed to 1) set up 3 Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD) (crèches) with necessary supplies, materials, and equipment in the urban slums of Bangalore, i) enroll 25 children (a total of 75 children aged 6 months to 3 years) in each ECCD crèche ii) provide nutritious food through ECCD crèche to the beneficiaries and improve overall child’s health/development through dietary diversity, adequate-protein, and energy intake, and increased consumption of supplements. iii) develop five faculties (i.e., Cognitive, Language, Physical, Social, and Emotional) of ECCD children iv) improve the nutritional status and health and hygiene practices of ECCD children. 2) Early screening and identification of children from birth to 18 years on 4 ‘D’s, refer to RBSK – treatment, management, rehabilitation, and follow-up. 3) To educate beneficiaries’ parents and community on 1st 1000 days-child growth and development, IYCF, Early Childhood Education, Food and Nutrition,    WASH, Immunization, Family Planning, etc. Impact of the study: 1) Overall improvement in the nutritional and health status of ECCD children 2) Improved KAP among parents/families and community on ECCD and other nutritional-related issues 3) Empowered ECCD teachers and 4) Increased Father’s involvement in childcare and development. This program had worked in convergence with the WCD department, the Government of     Karnataka for ECCD crèches, the Health Department, and others.
Impact Assessment of Capacity Building of Program ‘Apex Trauma and Emergency Learning Centre (ATELC)- in the State of Kerala
Endline Assessment:

Impact Assessment of Capacity Building of Program ‘Apex Trauma and Emergency Learning Centre (ATELC)- in the State of Kerala


June 2022-March 2023


Kerala, India

Funding Agency

Sri Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai

Project Team

Dr. R. Sarala (PI),
Dr. Chethana. HS,
Dr. Subodh S Satheesh,
Mr. M.K Raj Kiran.

The purpose of the assessment was to examine the impact of the Apex Trauma and Emergency Learning Centre (ATELC) program of capacity building on Emergency care and trauma on trainees in public health facilities across the districts of Kerala. Program Specific Objectives were to i) To assess the program relevance, effectiveness, and its impact on the targeted population and state needs ii) To assess the sustainability and scalability of the ATELC capacity building program on emergency and trauma care in other geographies and other critical clinical areas and iii) To assess the impact of the training program viz., coverage of trainees, type of trainees, appropriateness of the training design, knowledge and skill enhancement among trainees, perpetual improvement in the capability of trained healthcare personnel to handle emergency and trauma care and identify the future training needs among the participants, etc. Methodology: Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model was adopted to assess the ATELC training viz., reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. A cross-sectional study/assessment was conducted between July 2022 and October 2022 in 3 districts, viz., Trivandrum, Ernakulam, and Kozhikode, Kerala State. Mixed-Methodology viz., both Primary (qualitative and quantitative methods) and secondary data-document review methods of data collection was adopted. The data was collected through surveys/interviews of trainees viz., Doctors, Nurses, Interns, and Nursing students, Training of the Trainers (TOTs), Simulation Associates (SAs), and various program/key stakeholders at the State, District, and Facility levels. Among 402 trainees’ quantitative data was gathered; qualitative data were gathered among 16 key stakeholders and IDIs with TOTs (22) and SAs (4). Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS-28.0, excel, and thematic analyses were carried out for qualitative data.
Preventive Healthcare and Nutrition: Understanding Urban Poor Communities Perceptions, Practices and Behaviors from Maharashtra
Endline Assessment:

Preventive Healthcare and Nutrition: Understanding Urban Poor Communities Perceptions, Practices and Behaviors from Maharashtra


September 2022- March 2023


Maharashtra (Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nashik)

Funding Agency

Doctor for You and UNICEF, Maharashtra

Project Team

Dr. Usha Manjunath (PI),
Dr. Akash Prabhune (Co-Pi).

Study Objectives were to i) identify the personal, cultural, social, and economic factors affecting health-seeking behaviours of urban communities ii) explore the nutritional practices and beliefs and their impact on health iii) identify the needs of urban poor communities to sustain well-being and iv) develop strategies for engagement based on community inputs. Methodology: Qualitative methods of data collection viz., FGDs, IDIs, and KIIs were adopted to collect data for the study. Especially, FGDs with community members, IDIs with Health Care Workers, Medical Officers, Nurses, Private Healthcare Providers, representatives of civil society, community leaders, and self-help groups were conducted to understand the diverse factors impacting health-seeking behaviours.

Providing Technical Support for Creating inclusive work culture and Barrier Free Environment at ITC Food, Nanjanagud, Mysore
Endline Assessment:

Providing Technical Support for Creating inclusive work culture and Barrier Free Environment at ITC Food, Nanjanagud, Mysore


February 2023 – March 2023


Nanjangud, Mysore, Karnataka

Funding Agency

ITC Food, Nanjanagud

Project Team

Dr. Ravish,
Dr. Usha Manjunath,
Dr. Deepashree

ITC is one of India’s foremost private sector companies and a diversified conglomerate with businesses spanning Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Hotels, Paperboards, Packaging, Agri-Business, and Information Technology. The company is committed to creating an integrated work atmosphere where PwD (Persons with Disabilities) work along with regular employees. IIHMR Bangalore provided technical support to ITC Food in creating a barrier-free environment and overcoming their disability to boost their spirit and to have an unstigmatized approach.

The following were the objectives of the project:

  • To identify potential barriers at the ITC work environment for the person with a disability
  • To sensitize the employees and management to circumvent discrimination, exploitation, and exclusion of disabled staff from all spheres of work.
  • To create standard operating procedures for the effective delivery of services to disable staff.

The project provided due diligence through site walkthroughs and reporting of structural and other restorations, the creation of standard operating procedures, and the sensitization of employees and management about a barrier-free environment.

Assessment of the Design and Functionality of Portable Hospitals built by the American Indian Foundation
Endline Assessment:

Assessment of the Design and Functionality of Portable Hospitals built by the American Indian Foundation


September 2022- March 2023


7 locations across India

Funding Agency

America India Foundation Trust

Project Team

Dr. Usha Manjunath (Advisor),
Dr. Kirti Udayai (PI),
Mr. Piyush Kumar,
Dr. Akash Prabhune,
Mr. Gowthamghosh B,
Mr. Raj Kiran.

Objectives of the study were to i) To assess the design, relevance, and structural efficiency of the portable hospitals based on IPHS guidelines ii) To evaluate the functioning, and operational capabilities of equipment and management of materials, drugs, and commodities (supplies) for the effectiveness of portable hospitals iii) To assess the infection control and quality care provision for effective functioning of the hospital’s iv) Undertake the stakeholder needs assessment survey to understand the needs of key stakeholders and v) To develop SOP for the management of the portable hospitals. Study Duration: The assessment was from September 2022 to December 2022. The study area was 7 locations across India viz., Maharashtra-Satara, Haryana-Kaithal, Andhra Pradesh-East Godavari, Karnataka-Bengaluru, Jharkhand-Jamshedpur, Odisha-Cuttack, New Delhi-Tibia. Sample Size for quantitative data was collected through a survey of patients (10 patients from each facility) and In-Depth Interviews with key stakeholders from each facility viz., doctors, nurses, paramedics, administrators, and technicians. The operational efficiency of the hospital was assessed based on NQAS guidelines. An infrastructure assessment was conducted to understand the structural efficiency and safety of the portable hospital based on Hospital Planning and Infrastructure guidelines.

Technical Support to Accelerate the Promotion of COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviours (CAB) for the State of Karnataka
Endline Assessment:

Technical Support to Accelerate the Promotion of COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviours (CAB) for the State of Karnataka


Aug 2022 – Dec 2022


31 Districts of Karnataka

Funding Agency

UNICEF, Hyderabad

Project Team

Dr. Usha Manjunath,
Dr. Chethana H S,
Dr. R. Sarala,
Dr. Deepashree M R – (State Coordinator),
Dr. Rajeswari B S (M & E Officer).

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unparalleled and unforeseen challenges requiring collective action and support from all. While all necessary measures to fight the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) were being effectively led by the Central Government, State Governments and there was a need to reinforce the importance of preventive measures and practices in a sustained manner, to deal with the disease over the long run. To complement the efforts of the Govt of Karnataka and strengthen technical support for the acceleration of COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviours (CAB) and Vaccination efforts through a focus on Social Behaviour Change Communication and, Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE), UNICEF Hyderabad Field Office partnered with Institute of Health Management and Research (IIHMR), Bangalore and deployed District SBCC Coordinators to coordinate and collaborate the CAB and Vaccine efforts of the various departments at the district level.

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