

IIHMR Bangalore

Completed Research Projects - 2016

A Special Nutrition Study for Mission Against Malnutrition Project in Bellary District
Project Title

A Special Nutrition Study for Mission Against Malnutrition Project in Bellary District


JSW (routed through Bhoruka Charitable Trust)

Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Sreenath Reddy
Dr. Biranchi N Jena, Mr. Angan Sengupta
Dr. Veena R, Ms. Sharmila S, Ms. Juby A Jose
Mr. Mahadev Prasad

About The Project

IIHMR Bangalore has developed a research study as a part of Jindal Steel Works (JSW) Foundation’s Mission against Childhood Malnutrition programme in Bellary district, which is a CSR activity for them. JSW is aiming to reduce the burden of malnutrition in the study area by providing Spirulina as supplementary food for children aged 6 months to 6 years. IIHMR has proposed a research study for the same to find out the effectiveness of Spirulina, along with many other research questions. This is an action research project in which a 4-pronged strategy (Biochemical assessment, anthropometric examination, clinical evaluation, and cognitive development assessment) has been adopted for a complete assessment of the nutritional status of 1000 moderately and severely malnourished children of the age group 6 months–6 years in Bellary district. Biochemical tests are set, which have been performed for a subset (300 baseline and 300 endline) of those selected malnourished children, and are comprised of 8 different types of tests to find out the exact micronutrient deficiency so that the approach can be modified in the right direction.

Development of Nutrition Policy for the State of Karnataka
Project Title

Development of Nutrition Policy for the State of Karnataka


UNICEF, Hyderabad Office, India

Project Team

Dr. Usha Manjunath

About The Project

Karnataka State has made impressive strides in some of the human development indicators and further plans to promote social, economic, and political empowerment of women and ensure the development and protection of children through various policies and programmes in the areas of health, nutrition, and child protection. IIHMR, Bangalore, is a technical partner for the above projects with UNICEF’s Hyderabad office in India. UNICEF and the Department of Women and Child Development at GoK are collaboratively developing a plan for strategic communication for children in Karnataka, primarily addressing issues related to nutrition and health of women, children, and child protection. IIHMR, Bangalore was the technical partner to UNICEF in assessing the baseline of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the above areas. Community awareness and practice on nutrition, maternal health (ANC & PNC), new-borns and childcare, child protection and rights, child marriages, delaying marriage/first pregnancy, and spacing methods were specifically examined. The research used mixed methods, including quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including a household survey, in-depth interviews, and FGDs with key stakeholders. This community-based cross-sectional study was done to collect baseline information as per the identified indicators. It was carried out in 20 villages in two districts of Karnataka, namely, Mysore and Koppal. The research results were established as the baseline to further evaluate the effectiveness and impact of Strategic Behavior Change Communication Intervention Strategies that were proposed to be implemented in the State of Karnataka. A Nutrition Policy for the State of Karnataka was proposed and drafted through desk research, review of existing nutrition policies of other states of India, literature review on various aspects of nutrition, programmes, innovative solutions to address malnutrition, and expert consultation in partnership with UNICEF.

Assessment of Psychosocial Status and Quality of Life of Adolescent Girls in Rural Area of Bellary, Karnataka
Project Title

Assessment of Psychosocial Status and Quality of Life of Adolescent Girls in Rural Area of Bellary, Karnataka


IIHMR Society, Jaipur

Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Veena R
Ms. An-Lies Provost

About The Project

This is an internal research grant project allocated by the IIHMR Society, Jaipur. This study was intended to assess the psychosocial status and quality of life of the adolescent girls by using the WHO-modified HEEADSSS approach and WHOQOL-BREF tool, respectively. The HEEADSSS questionnaire has been modified to take into consideration rural backgrounds to make it simple, favourable and appropriate for rural adolescent girls. It included eight parameters, viz., home, education and employment, eating, activities, drugs, sexuality, suicide and depression, and safety. The WHOQOL-BREF tool assessed the health-related quality of life. It took into consideration four domains of quality of life, i.e., physical, psychological, environmental, and social relationships.

Monitoring of EHS Services
Project Title

Monitoring of EHS Services


Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust (SAST), KHSDRP, Govt. of Karnataka

Project Team

Dr. Reshmi RS, Dr. Biranchi N Jena, Dr. S Reddy,
Mr. Kiran Angadi

About The Project

The overall objective was to compile all available sources of information related to Emergency Health Services (EHS) and assess the availability of Emergency Health Services in Karnataka, including its geospatial analysis using GIS tools.

The specific objectives were:

To compile information on existing Emergency Health Services (EHS) in Karnataka, a literature review was done based on all the existing literature on EHS. Based on the existing studies, a working definition for Emergency Health Services and Emergency Health Facility was developed. The project used secondary data from various sources, like the Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI), Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust (SAST), the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services, Bangalore, and the Survey Settlement and Land Records Office, Bangalore. The secondary data was analysed using Excel, and necessary tables will be generated. Also, GIS analysis was done using the package SaTScan. Based on the data analysis and emergency health facilities available, hospitals in Karnataka were categorised into different levels and accident hotspots, as well as the facilities were plotted onto maps.

Base Line Study for Strategic Behaviour Change Communication Intervention for Maternal Health and Child Development in Karnataka
Project Title

Base Line Study for Strategic Behaviour Change Communication Intervention for Maternal Health and Child Development in Karnataka


UNICEF, Hyderabad Office, India

Project Team

Dr. Usha Manjunath, Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta
Dr. Sarala Raju, Dr. Veena R., Mr. Angan Sengupta
Mr. Rajendra. D, Mr. Santosh Daddi

The specific objectives were:

This was a community-based cross-sectional study for collecting the baseline information as per the indicators; the study was done for a period of 5 months. The study was conducted in 2 districts of Karnataka, one from north Koppal and another from south Mysore. In each district, 30 villages were taken: 10 were control villages, 20 were intervention villages, and of those, 10 were implemented by GAARM and 10 by the state government. The sample was selected based on the probability proportional to size sampling technique. Before commencement of baseline data collection, a quick socio-demographic survey was conducted of adolescent girls, pregnant women, recently delivered mothers, mothers of 1- to 5-year-old children, and reproductive-age women. The data was collected using different household survey tools for different respondents: an FGD and an in-depth interview.The data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel and SPSS v.16. The survey was conducted to check indicators like percentage of adolescent girls’ awareness about nutrition, menstrual hygiene, risk for developing psycho-social abnormalities, health benefits of delaying marriage and first pregnancy, percentage of ANC coverage, birth preparedness, knowledge about nutrition, misconceptions, health benefits of delaying marriage, percentage of institutional delivery, level of care, and percentage of childhood immunisation, and on women following hygiene practices. Knowledge about violence and abuse, the level of awareness and usage of social welfare, and awareness about the disadvantages of early marriage were also assessed.

Assessment of Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Karnataka
Project Title

Assessment of Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Karnataka


IIHMR Society, Jaipur

Project Team

Mr. Angan Sengupta, Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta
Dr. Veena R, Ms. An-Lies Provost

This is an internal research grant project allocated by the IIHMR Society, Jaipur. The objectives of the study were:

An interview schedule was developed to assess the dietary pattern and physical activity.

Admission Enquiry Form