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IIHMR Bangalore

Completed Research Projects - 2013

Emergency Response Services (EMRI Model) 108, In State Of Karnataka: An Evaluation Study
Project Title

Emergency Response Services (EMRI Model) 108, in State of Karnataka: An Evaluation Study


Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Society

Project Team

Dr. Sreenath Reddy, Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. Reshmi R, Dr. Veena R
Dr. Divya Desai, Dr. Yashodha T.C., V. Srinath

About The Project

The Evaluation of Emergency Response System (EMRI Model) 108 in the state of Karnataka was carried out by IIHMR Bangalore on behalf of the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare, Karnataka. The evaluation study was carried out for 6 months in ten selected districts of Karnataka. The evaluation process involved quantitative and qualitative evaluation involving analysis of secondary data, field visits, surveying of the facilities in-charges at the health center through checklists, interaction with the beneficiaries through focus group discussion and community survey, and interaction with other stakeholders.Recommendations for the scheme were made based on the study findings. With this study, an attempt was made to understand the functioning of the field programme, its success and failures, gaps, and ways to address them and suggest an improvement. The evaluation aimed at strengthening the programme and helping build systematic linkages to maximise health outcomes from this scheme.

Arogya Bandhu – Scheme for Involving Private Medical Colleges and Other Agencies in the Management of PHCs: An Evaluation Study
Project Title

Arogya Bandhu – Scheme for Involving Private Medical Colleges and Other Agencies in the Management of PHCs: An Evaluation Study


Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Society

Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Sreenath Reddy
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. Reshmi R, Dr. Veena R
Dr. Yashodha T.C., Dr. Divya Desai, Dr. V. Srinath

About The Project

Karnataka is a pioneer of innovative schemes in many spheres, including health. One such innovative scheme is Arogya Bandhu, a Public Private Partnership (PPP) launched in July 2008. Private medical colleges, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), trusts and other charitable institutions, philanthropic organisations, etc., were provided an opportunity to join hands with the government to provide better health care to the community. This is a Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Society-funded project under the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare. This study was entrusted to IIHMR-B to evaluate the impact of the Arogya Bandhu scheme in terms of its benefits after its implementation, to evaluate the physical and financial performance of PHCs under Arogya Bandhu Scheme across the state, to understand the involvement of PHCs in community-based approach for conducting regular surveys and maintenance of records as per the guidelines of state and central governments. The study also aimed at finding out the scheme’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) by highlighting the community’s opinion about the health services provided by the PHCs. The study was conducted in 52 PHCs spread across 26 districts (one Arogya Bandhu PHC and one government-run PHC as counterfactual from each district) of Karnataka.

National Health Survey in 4 Southern States
Project Title

National Health Survey in 4 Southern States


IIHMR Jaipur

Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Sreenath Reddy
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. Veena R, Dr. Reshmi RS
Dr. Yashoda, Mr. Umesh C

About The Project

The study was intended to assess the socioeconomic status, perception and attitude about the use of technology for health services, health-seeking behaviour, perception about public and private health facilities, and level of satisfaction of the community regarding availed health services from public health facilities in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, and Tamilnadu.

Technology Adoption Survey among Health care providers
Project Title

Technology Adoption Survey among Healthcare Providers


IIHMR Jaipur

Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Sreenath Reddy
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. Veena R, Dr. Yashoda, Mr. Umesh C

About The Project

This study was carried out among healthcare providers to identify the prevailing trends, barriers to adoption, and future trends & expectations regarding the use of technology in medical practice and to assess their perception and attitude toward adopting technology in healthcare services.

Implementation of ISO Guidelines for 13 Primary Health Centers of Karuna Trust in Karnataka
Project Title

Implementation of ISO Guidelines for 13 Primary Health Centers of Karuna Trust in Karnataka


Karuna Trust

Project Team

Dr. Sreenath Reddy, Dr. Divya Desai

About The Project

The project involved streamlining and operationalising the ISO norms in the 13 Primary Health Centers to facilitate the ISO certification status of these PHCs. IIHMR is actively involved in providing expertise in implementing ISO guidelines in the form of gap analysis, designing forms and formats, preparing and reviewing SOPs and quality manuals, internal audits, and capacity building which helps achieve continuous quality improvement in PHCs. The project’s focus was to strengthen the present operations at the PHC by redesigning the systems, training the staff about standard quality management practices, developing proper supervisory and monitoring mechanisms, and facilitating the PHCs to get ISO certification.

Midline Evaluation of the Urban Health Center Project in under PPP Model
Project Title

Midline Evaluation of the Urban Health Center Project in under PPP Model


NRHM Orissa

Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. V. Srinath

About The Project

National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Orissa selected IIHMR, Bangalore, to carry out an evaluation of the Urban Health Center managed by three of the NGOs (MY-HEART, OVHA, and FPAI) under Public Private Partnership (PPP) model in four wards of slums coming under the Municipality area of Bhubaneswar. IIHMR Team evaluated for seven days covering all three urban health centers in the slums managed by the three NGOs. The evaluation process involved quantitative and qualitative evaluation involving analysis of secondary data provided by the NGOs, field visits, surveying of the facilities in the Health Center through checklists, interaction with the beneficiaries through focus group discussion, and interaction with other stakeholders like the corporate and the municipal Health Commissioner through in-depth interview. Based on the findings from the evaluation, a draft evaluation report was prepared, including the recommendations. It has been submitted to the PPP cell of NRHM Orissa for approval.

Assessment of Functioning of Male Health Workers in Rural Karnataka
Project Title

Assessment of Functioning of Male Health Workers in Rural Karnataka



Project Team

Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, Dr.Sreenath Reddy
Dr.Dhirendra Kumar, Dr. Veena R, Dr. Reshmi RS

About The Project

The main objective of this study was to assess the task performance of Male Health Workers (MHWs) in providing various community health services. A total of 6 districts have been selected, 2 from each categories A, B & C. From the enumeration list of all Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in the selected districts, 2 PHCs were selected by simple random sampling. Four sub-centers (SCs) attached to the selected PHCs were included in the study. Male Health Workers posted in these sub-centers were interviewed to assess their level of knowledge and skill of work. Respective health assistants and PHC medical officers were also interviewed to seek opinions about these health worker males’ performance and job behaviour. The final report of the project has been submitted.

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