

IIHMR Bangalore

Completed Research Projects - 2015

Endline Evaluation of Reposition Family Planning in Primary Health Centers In Karnataka Through Public Private Partnership
Project Title

Endline Evaluation of Reposition Family Planning in Primary Health Centers In Karnataka Through Public Private Partnership


Karuna Trust

Project Team

Ms. Projna S, Dr. Manoj K Gupta, Dr. Sarala R,
Ms. Juby A Jose

About The Project

The Project on Repositioning Family Planning in Primary Health Centers in Karnataka through Public Private Partnership is a unique project being implemented in six districts of Karnataka by Karuna Trust, a local NGO. With the objectives of delaying the first pregnancy, promoting spacing between pregnancies among eligible couples, and improving the quality of RCH and primary health care programmes through accreditation and continuous review and monitoring mechanisms, the project has been implemented for three years (2012–2014). IIHMR Bangalore has done the endline evaluation of this project. The overall objective of the end-of-project evaluation was to undertake an impartial assessment of how far the project has progressed in reaching its goals and objectives. The evaluation assessed the impact of the project and looked at the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of project strategies, as well as the sustainability and success of scaling up efforts based on project outcomes.

Implementation of NABH Guidelines for Primary Health Center of Karuna Trust in Karnataka
Project Title

Implementation of NABH Guidelines for Primary Health Center of Karuna Trust in Karnataka


Karuna Trust

Project Team

Dr. Sreenath Reddy, Ms. Projna, Ms. Sharmila S

About The Project

The project involved implementing the NABH norms in 1 primary health centre to facilitate the NABH certification status of the PHCs. IIHMR was actively involved in providing expertise in NABH guidelines implementation in the form of gap analysis, designing forms and formats, reviewing SOPs and manuals, conducting internal audits, and providing training so that standard quality procedures were implemented in the PHCs. The focus of the project was to strengthen the present operations at the PHC by redesigning the systems, training the staff about the latest quality management practices, and developing proper supervisory and monitoring mechanisms by facilitating the PHC’s getting NABH accredited.