

IIHMR Bangalore

Completed Research Projects - 2018

Validation of Mobile Medical Unit’s Safety Manual
Project Title

Validation of Mobile Medical Unit’s Safety Manual

Funding Agency

United way, Bangalore, India

Project Team

Dr. Usha Manjunath, Dr. Kumari Shweta
Dr. Mallikarjun Reddy

About The Project

IIHMR Bangalore validated the Mobile Medical Van safety manual, which would play a vital role in the education and training of Mobile Medical Van staff/team members for ensuring the utmost safety of the van, equipment, personnel, and service provisioning. The processes of review and manual revision consisted of the following processes: 1. Review of the current/existing manual 2. Compare with best practices at the national and international level (safety manual features); and 3. Cross consultations with industry experts for input on guidelines. Gaps identified included those of patient safety, staff safety and legal/operational adherence mechanisms. Gaps identified included those of patient safety, staff safety, and legal/operational adherence mechanisms. Gaps were filled based on inputs from the field/experts, a literature review, and national and international guidelines. The final version of the validated model was submitted to Piramal Swasthya after three iterations with Piramal Swashya, team leader of the project.

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