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A study on effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on livelihood and employment of daily wage workers of Bangalore Urban – Ms. Komal Middha

The past epidemics did not have much concern with migration and livelihood during the colonial India. Davis 1951 and Hill 2011 said, although the metropolitan cities and many other urban areas hugely suffered from influenza, smallpox, plague, malaria and cholera but the migrant workers were not much affected. Hill observed that epidemic of influenza arrived in Mumbai in September 1918 which swept through north and east India. He found that excess mortality due to influenza was negatively related with outmigration at district level analysis but offered no explanation. Maharatna 2014 says, compared to epidemics, famine was seen not only causing mortality but also migration in the past. The current pandemic is really affecting the economy as well as the citizens of the nation. Most vulnerable ones are the migrant workers and the daily wage workers. The healthcare professionals and researchers believe that we can prevent the spread of the novel corona virus by keeping social distance and hence the country should be in complete lockdown. Migrants suffer from the double burden of being poor and migrants. Many programmes meant for the poor do not reach them due to lack of identity and residential proofs. As a part of this research paper ten daily wage workers from Bangalore city were interviewed. The sample was chosen according to the convenience and purpose of the study. The effect of lockdown on the daily wagers has been discussed further.


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