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A Study on Work-Life Balance of Healthcare Workers in the Hospital Setting in Bangalore, India. – Preetha. S

The Covid -19 Pandemic has overwhelmed the healthcare system and has contributed to undesirable effects on the mental health of healthcare workers. Healthcare workers often suffer from anxiety, depression, and burnout. Other determinants contributing to the same are exposure to infection, job-related pressure, lack of proper compensations, lack of proper work-life balance, and distancing from families. Although the work-life balance of employees plays a significant role in their productivity and efficiency towards the organization’s goals, it is yet overlooked upon.This study aims at evaluating the current work-life balance of 101 healthcare workers in Fortis Hospital, Bangalore, and recommendations to improve them.
Primary data was collected by gathering information from participants. Secondary data was also collected through various published sources such as articles and websites.
It was found that most of the healthcare workers work for 6 days in a week and nearly 59.4% of them work for 8 hours and 39.6% of them work beyond 8 hours, 83.1% of the respondents felt the hospital work environment was motivating, 84% of the respondents felt they sometimes worked even on holidays or did overtime, 84% of the staff expressed that they are sometimes drained out due to work pressure and are unable to spend enough quality time with family. The below hypothesis was tested using the chi-square test.H0: The respondent is not satisfied with the work-life balance. H1: The respondent is satisfied with the work-life balance. Result -Since the p-value (0) < α (0.05) (one-tailed test), the null hypothesis H0 was rejected.


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