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WHOLE NUMBERS AND HALF TRUTHS: What Data Can and Cannot Tell Us About Modern India

Rituja Roy 1st Year PGDM Student (2022-24)The book is written by Rukmini S., an independent data journalist based in Chennai, India. The book is full of data, facts, and figures extracted from both government & private resources and personal interviews with the citizens of the country. The book consists of 10 chapters covering various aspects […]

Republic India: The Hopeful Path Ahead

Dr. Ragini Sharma (PGDM 2022-24) “To find us, you must be good To catch us, you must be fast But to beat us? You must be kidding!” -Major Somnath Sharma (4th Battalion, Kumaon Regiment) On the occasion of the 74th Republic Day, let us take a moment and reflect on our legacy and talk about […]

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