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Capacity building (training) of district-level trainers on Maternal death surveillance response & Child death review – Kritika Sarkar

Amidst the plethora of activities within the National health mission, the most important aspect (as identified by the author) is “Capacity building”. It is a regular practice at NHM to deploy several highly educated trainers at different levels to continue learning and reiterating certain important programs and interventions which have proven value. In line with this, the recent HMIS indicators from Bihar indicated a severe deficit in reporting of maternal and child death review. So the SHS-Bihar decided to invite different development partners to re-train and reiterate the importance of MDSR & CDR at the district level. A summary report on participation across 9 districts, conducted by NIPI, was prepared by collecting attendance log sheets from all districts. The report details one of the tasks assigned to the author and training of districts officials for 2 districts ie Muzaffarpur and Aurangabad. The first part of the report consists of detailed information about training methodology including the process flows, training strategy and description of each training arena. The participation of different officers was analyzed to throw some light on the procedures that were opted to achieve the goals. Instructions received from the State health society (Bihar) were strictly followed. Then follows the discussion and analysis of participation being presented through charts. The results demonstrate the need for some more focused and integrated use of capacity building exercises to build awareness amongst the frontline workers (first informants). The report concludes with, learning outcomes, limitations and recommendations. The second part of the report comprises of introduction to family participatory care (FPC). Methodology of assessment followed by discussion and results of assessments done in two district hospital’s SNCU units (Nawada and Aurangabad). Finally, the report ends with a conclusion of events, learning experience in the process and recommendations.


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