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Completed Program

Training Report of IoT & IoMT Workshop

Training Report of IoT & IoMT Workshop

Training Report

Training Report of Health Data Analytics

Training report of 2-Day Live Online Workshop on Health Data Analytics

Training Report

Workshop on Scientific Manuscript and Report Writing

Workshop on Scientific Manuscript and Report Writing

Training Report

MDP on International Good Clinical Practice ICH GCP

MDP on International Good Clinical Practice ICH GCP

Training Report

MDP on Essentials of Good Pharmacy Practice

MDP on Essentials of Good Pharmacy Practice

Training Report

Certificate Course in Integrated Digital Intensive Care Management

Certificate Course in Integrated Digital Intensive Care Management

Training Report

Innovative Models in Digital Health

The Certificate Course, on Innovative models in Digital Health, the Program was Initiated by Dr. Usha Manjunath-Director IIHMR Bangalore, India, Course Contents was designed and developed by Mr Anil-Sr. Consultant, Accenture, US in coordination with Mr. T. K. Pradeep Kumar-Assistant Professor, Mr Piyush Kumar – Associate Professor, Associate Dean Trainings, Dr. Deepashree-Assistant Professor, it was decided by the team, to engage the course for 6 months, starting from 15th Feb 2021.

Training Report

Practicing Public Health Nutrition

Increasing consciousness for health and fitness has put public health nutrition on the global focus. While practicing public health nutrition is dynamic and varied, the models need to be adaptable and applicable to practice. Professionals who are working in this field, either directly or indirectly can deliver better services if they are given hands-on trainings and supported to augment their knowledge.

IIHMR Bangalore has designed this online training program on Practicing Public Health Nutrition for health care related professionals. Participation in this course, will enable professionals in public health to augment their knowledge on public health nutrition and offer better services to the community.

Training Report

Elective course on Public Health Nutrition

Jointly Organized By IIHMR, Bangalore And IIHMR University, Jaipur
The course is designed to impart basic understanding on public health nutrition and enhance knowledge and skills for practice. The curriculum includes public health nutrition; its role and scope in India; food and nutrition security; interactive nature of nutrition-infection-disease management; triple burden of malnutrition and nutrition policies and programs. It also integrates the key knowledge about nutrition throughout the life cycle; assessment of nutritional status and nutrition education & health promotion.

The objectives of the course are to integrate basic knowledge while enhancing skills of public health nutrition among participants. The course intends to sensitize the social development sector professionals for meeting the challenges of nutrition and health.

Training Report

Certificate Course – Data Management and Statistical Analysis using SPSS

IIHMR Bangalore successfully conducted a three-day certificate course on “Data Management and Statistical Analysis using SPSS” in collaboration with the Department of Home Science, University of Rajasthan. Three days full of theory and practical sessions, reinforcing the knowledge and skill set on data management, data handling, and data visualisation using SPSS.  We sincerely thank all our participants.

Training Report

Revitalizing the Health and Well-being

IIHMR Bangalore has successfully conducted 3 days training program on Revitalizing the Health and Well-being – Cofit-19 from 18th to 20th November 2020. The objectives of the training were to encourage adoption of healthy food habits and dietary choices, to help them in preparing day plan, to increase awareness about immune boosting foods and recipes, to demonstrate ergonomic exercise and encourage them to devote time for the same and to build resilience to cope with personal and professional stress. A total of The participants were from diverse areas such as nutrition, medical, physiotherapy, pharmacy, yoga, fitness and health and management students.

Training Report


Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR)- South Campus, Bangalore along with Steward Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. is organizing training on ” Implementation of NABH Standards for Healthcare Organizations” for hospital and healthcare professionals.


  • Quality Management System -QMS for Hospitals.
  • NABH Standards – 5th Edition (10 Chapters, 105 Standards and 651 Objective Elements)
  • Integration of Hospital from 4th edition to 5th edition of NABH Accreditation
  • Identification and capturing of the quality indicators as per the NABH standards.
  • Developing Standard Operating Procedures – SOPS
  • Tools and Techniques for Measurement and Quality Improvement Program (QIP)
  • Develop as Internal Counselors
  • Application Process and Preparing Hospitals for Internal/External Audit

Training Report

Certificate Course_ Digital Health

Data driven technologies which are spurring automation and digitalization. Digital health being one of them has opened up new opportunities and challenges for the healthcare professional. IIHMR Bangalore has organized this online interactive job oriented and career focused course, mainly helping healthcare professionals in learning fundamentals of digital Health.

The expert trainer for the program was Mr. Anil Kumar Kalicharan, Healthcare Consultant, Accenture , Georgia, USA, who have more than 20 years of experience in Healthcare information management, Digital, Services, Software and hardware solutions to multi industry clients.

Training Report

Global Iodine deficiency Disorder Prevention day !

Celebrating Global Iodine deficiency Disorder Prevention day !

IIHMR Bangalore in collaboration with Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India had organised the Training for Anganwadi workers on Importance of Iodine, disorders due to its deficiency and prevention on the occasion of Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention day, October 21st

100 Anganwadi workers form ICDS project Hassan attended the training session. The trainers of the Program were Dr. Jyoti Vijay, Nutritional Expert and Assistant Professor, IIHMR Bangalore and Dr. Deepashree- Assistant Professor and Program in Charge.

Topics discussed during the session was Importance of Iodine to the body, daily requirements, deficiency disorders and its signs and symptoms, Vulnerable groups for Iodine deficiency disorders, Prevention strategies at community and individual level, cooking and storing methods of common salt for the proper absorption of Iodine by body.

Training Report

TOT | Nutrition and Health training

Our Contribution to POSHAN Abhiyaan.

IIHMR Bangalore in collaboration with Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India had organised the Training of Trainers programme (TOT) on nutrition and health through online mode. The above said training programme is proposed to be organised from 28.09.2020 to 02.10.2020. 20 participants i.e., ACDPOs & Supervisors was deputed from Gulbarga ICDS Project

Dr. Usha Manjunath, Professor and Director, IIHMR Bangalore, Dr. Allen P Ugargol- Associate Professor, Dean Academics & Students Affair, Dr. Manjunatha R – Associate Professor, Dean Research & Publications, Dr Sarala R, Associate Professor and Dr. Deepashree M R Assistant Professor were the resource persons of this training programme.

Training Report

Online MDP | Change is new normal – Amendments and Updates in Healthcare Laws

Training Report



Program Coordinators:
Dr. Suganthi IyerDeputy Director Hinduja Hospitals, Mumbai,
Mr. Samuel AbrhamSenior Law Officer  CMC Vellore,
Dr.Chethana H S,Operations and Quality Consultant Motherhood chain of Hospitals ,
Dr. Usha Manjunath, Professor and Director IIHMR Bangalore.

In this dynamic condition of the healthcare sector, there is need to keep oneself abreast with the latest in the legal aspects governing the healthcare to comply with these norms and protect the organization from any adversities that could arise out of ignorance as ” Ignorantia juris non excusat” (Latin for “ignorance of law excuses no one”). This online programme has been envisaged to help healthcare organizations to understand legalities related to Healthcare sector with special reference to changed rules and regulations during this pandemic.

Online MDP on Hospital Preparedness for COVID Safe practices in Hospital

IIHMR Bangalore has envisaged this on-line programme for providing knowledge and skills for healthcare personnel for COVID 19 Safe Practices. Personnel working in private and public sector departments need training and capacity building with the latest research-based approaches and develop skills to lead change

Expert Trainers Of The Programme:

Dr. Usha Manjunath, Director  IIHMR Bangalore Dr. Chethana H S, Consultant- Healthcare Operations, Quality and Audits Dr. Vijay Aggarwal, Group Head Medical Services, Motherhood Hospitals Ms. Rupali Chopra, Project Head – NABH Accreditation, Steward Healthcare Pvt Ltd. 8th, 9th and 10th July from 3 to 5 PM



MDP on Managing Stress and work-life Balance

IIHMR Bangalore, jointly with IIHMR University Jaipur successfully completed 2 days MDP on “Managing Stress and work-life balance” In these interactive sessions, participants learned about managing stress, work-life balance, self-awareness, and simple posture corrections to manage stress Program Coordinators: Dr. Usha Manjunath, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Mr.Madaiah, Dr. Richa Singh, Mr. Soumitra Kumar Das, Dr. Vijay Pandey. Date: 12th and 13th March – 2020



De- Coding NABH – Implementation of NABH Standards for HCOs

Program Coordinators: Dr. Usha Manjunath |Ms Rupali Chopra -Consultant  NABH Accreditation Steward Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd Date: OCT 3rd, 4th and 5th 2019

Training Report

Certificate Course on Digital Health Management

Program Coordinators: Dr. Usha Manjunath| Prof. S. N. Sarabadhikari| Mr. Kanagaraj K
Date: 12th & 13th July 2019

5 days Training of the Trainers programme on Nutrition and Health

Program Director: Dr. Usha Manjnath | Ms. Nithya (Collaboration with Food and Nutrition Board, WCD, GoI) (21 Participants)
Date: 24th to 28th June 2019

Front Office Management in Hospitals

Program Director: Dr. Usha Manjnath | Dr. Sarala | Dr. Priyank Tripathi, Clinical Pharmacologist & Manager-HCG Ltd
Date: 23rd March 2019

Legal issues in Healthcare

Program Coordinators: Dr. Veena R | Dr. Usha Manjunath| Dr. Anil Sood Date: 29th & 30th June 2018


NABH Orientation Training Programme

Program Coordinators: Dr. Manjunatha R
Date: 06th May 2018