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UNICEF -COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviors (CAB) For The State Of Karnataka

Project Title:

Technical Support to Accelerate Promotion of COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviors (CAB) for the State of Karnataka

Project Partners:


Project Team:

IIHMR –B Technical team State Level Team
Dr. Usha Manjunath – Program Director/SBCC Technical Support
Dr. Deepashree M R – State Coordinator
Dr. Chethana H S – Health Consultant
Dr. Rajeswari B S – Monitoring and Evaluation
Dr. Sarala – HR/Team Building
Project operations and Liaising

About project:

COVID 19 pandemic has led to unparalleled and unforeseen challenges requiring collective action and support from all. While all necessary measures to fight the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID 19) are being effectively led by the Central Government, State Governments and there is a need to reinforce the importance of preventive measures and practices in a sustained manner, to deal with the disease over the long run. To complement the efforts of the Govt of Karnataka and strengthen technical support for acceleration of COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviours (CAB) and Vaccination efforts through focus on Social Behaviour Change Communication and, Risk Communication and Community Engagement(RCCE), UNICEF Hyderabad Field Office has partnered with Institute of Health Management and Research (IIHMR), Bangalore from August 2021, for deployment of District SBCC Coordinators who will coordinate and collaborate the CAB and Vaccine efforts of the various departments at the district level.

Expected Outputs:

COVID-19 Specific Emergency Response

The communities and families in the districts of Karnataka have the knowledge and skills to protect themselves from the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 Sensitive Emergency Response

The communities adopt gender-responsive practices for the prevention of anemia, addressing Routine Immunization inequities and community-based management of SAM children.

Geographical Coverage:

All 31 districts through the deployment of District SBCC Coordinators and Regional Coordinators.


September 2021 to April 2022


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